【專題演講】A Foucauldian History of Medicine — Some Reflections傅柯醫學史的反思 Post published:1996-12-28 Post category:歷年活動紀錄 第五次聚會時間: 一九九六年十二月二十八日(星期六)下午二點地點: 中央研究院歷史語言研究所研究大樓418室(生活禮俗史研究室)主講: 傅大為先生(清華大學歷史所教授)講題: A Foucauldian History of Medicine — Some Reflections傅柯醫學史的反思 You Might Also Like 「國立陽明大學科技與社會研究所」師生來訪 2011-03-09 【專題演講】《本草與儀式——以道教靈寶經典為例》 2002-08-19 Managing the science of bodily functions: colonialism, contraception and government intervention in India 1935-1952. 2005-08-01
Managing the science of bodily functions: colonialism, contraception and government intervention in India 1935-1952. 2005-08-01