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Shape My Body:The Representations of Femininity and Science in the Advertisements
for Body Sculpturing Beauty Salons


This paper discusses how gender and science are represented in the advertisements of a newly emerging industry called shuoshen meirong gongsi 塑身美容公司 (body sculpturing beauty salons). Unlike traditional fat reducing business for women, this new industry emphasizes not only reducing body fat, but also creating a standard and attractive female body which acts as a decoy in heterosexual social life. To achieve this goal, “scientific instruments” as well as scientific authority are mobilized to establish the features of a standard female body and to enhance the effectiveness of body sculpturing.

This paper first compares the differences between the shuoshen meirong advertisements and traditional advertisements that treat the female body as an object. It then examines how female subjectivity is shaped in this kind of advertisements via an appropriation of feminism, emphasizing women as active social agents. The authority of science is then grafted on to various cosmetic practices which transform women into the Subject while turning them into an object of heterosexual desire. The authority of modern science and technology underpins the practices of shuoshen meirong and models the body of Taiwanese women into one standard in a consuming society which consumes not only objects but also the Subject.







本文將嚐試分析佛教戒律文學中如何陳述美麗的概念(the norm of being beauty)以及其宗教意涵,來討論佛教的身體觀和教團中女性性別角色的建構。全文主要分成三部分。首先介紹戒律文學中男女美色的範疇,以比較男女性別角色的異同。接著從修行和貞操的角度,分析為何教團中的男女美色為情慾追逐的對象。最後則就教團對性與性別的描述與控制,來探討教團中去性別化的機制。筆者的主題在呈現宗教上美麗與美色的劃分,經常是一體兩面。身體既然同時兼具象徵性和工具性,在以身體具體化某些宗教特質的過程中,追求和抗拒美麗,將交織構成宗教實踐的主體經驗。這種複雜性,特別呈現在「女性」(being women)這個性別範疇上。


Social Network and Non-prescription Pills-taking Behaviors among
Women in Taiwan: A Study on Pills for Cosmetic purpose


12:3013:30 午餐



主講人:吳一立(美國密西根Albion College歷史系助理教授)

Medicalizing the monstrous:Blood, gender, and “ghost fetuses(guitai)” in traditional Chinese medical texts

This paper analyzes the concept of “ghost fetus” (guitai) in traditional Chinese medical texts and argues that it provides productive insights into Chinese medical conceptions of normality, monstrosity, and gender differences in illness and healing. In recent decades, historians of medicine have focused their attention on how culture “frames” disease. What medical and social meanings do people assign to different bodily states? When and why is a certain physical condition defined as pathological? What are the strategies used to define and manage illness? The relevance of such questions extends far beyond the medical realm, since they touch on broader intellectual and social norms. For example, in order to fully understand medical responses to illness and healing, one must also understand how a society conceptualizes the relationship between humans and their environment, and between an individual and the cosmos. Thus, a society which explains AIDS as a punishment from God will respond very differently from one which sees it as a viral infection. In the mix of cultural factors which frame disease, furthermore, constructions of gender difference are critically important.

The concept of guitai is a useful tool for examining these issues in traditional Chinese medicine. The basic definition of guitai is a pregnancy which results when a woman’s body is invaded by demonic or ghostly forces. Instead of giving birth to a human child, however, the woman produces misshapen bloody lumps or noxious creatures, often described as “worms” or “snakes”. As one deconstructs this deceptively simples concept, one finds that it touches on a number of important issues in traditional Chinese medical conceptions of disease and gender. The concept of guitai touches on the very foundation of human life– sexual reproduction, fetal gestation, and birth– and is therefore also concerned with women’s key role in reproduction. Traditional Chinese medical literature has long been concerned with teaching women how to behave in order to conceive and produce healthy children. While existing scholarly studies have analyzed these prescriptive norms, many of the individual ailments seen as specific to women have not yet been explored in depth. A discussion of guitai, therefore, can provide useful insights into how chinese medicine gendered disease. At the same time, the elite Chinese medical tradition represented in the textual sources was constantly competing with folks and popular ideas about women’s bodies and acceptable female behavior. The concept  of guitai can thus also serve as a case study of how elite scholars tried to “medicalize” popular notions of ghostly invasion by by subsuming it into a discourse on internal harmony or imbalance.

This paper will examine the concept of guitai from three interrelated angles. First, it will examine how the concept of guitai draws on different traditional Chinese disease categories, especially those that pertain to external agents invading or infesting the human body. As Li Jianmin has pointed out, guitai can be considered a form of “possession illness” (suibing) where ghostly or demonic influences invade a person’s body. Li shows that “locationality” is an important factor in the onset of such diseases: a person can become ill if he or she goes to a place where supernatural forces congregate. At the same time, however, guitai also constitutes what scholars of medical folklore call a case of “animal-in-body”. Such ailments are caused and characterized by the presence of wormlike creatures of other foreign life forms in the body. At the most mundave level, “animal-in-body” illnesses arise when creatures enter the human body through ingestion of contaminated food or through a bodily aperture. Such infestations can also arise, however, as a result of a curse or spell cast by another person. A full understanding of guitai, therefore, must also include an analysis of traditional Chinese conceptions of parasites and general infestations of “worms” and “insects” (chong).

The second part of the paper will analyze the ways in which guitai constituted a gendered illness linked to traditional medical concepts of the female body. As Charlotte Furth has shown, classical Chinese medicine saw the free flow of Blood (xue) as a key factor in women’s health and fertility. This section will argue that concerns about guitai went beyond simple fears about abnormal pregnancies: on the most fundamental level, guitai represented a perversion of women’s reproductive essences in which Blood was diverted from its normal functions and channeled into the generation of foreign life forms inside the woman’s body. This fear that Blood could be misdirected was related to the perceived relationship between female blood and ritual pollution, as well as to general association between blood and possession-illnesses. Recorded cases of gu poisoning, for example, often describe the patient being purged of bloody substances prior to being cured.

Finally, the paper will analyze how traditional medical writes sought to shift popular understandings of guitai from the supernatural realm to the medical realm. Writes such as Zhang Jiebin argued guitai had nothing to do with spirits and ghosts, and everything to do with lack of internal regulation. At the same time, these discussions of guitai reveal elite anxieties about female behavior and sexuality. Women might conceive guitai after travelling to places outside the home, expecially temples. Immiderate female emotions or misdirected erotic disires could also cause internal blockages. Regardless of their opinions as the cause of guitai, therefore, male medical authors sought to regulate female health by regulating female behavior.


Women, Bodies and War — Confronting Cannons with Naked Women in Ming-Ching

本文嘗試透過陰門陣的例子,從文化史角度探討其中所隱含的女性(women)、身體(body)與魔力(magic)關係。第二節主要介紹陰門陣厭砲的例子。第三節則從不潔(pollution)與魔力關係的角度,嘗試了解明清戰爭中,女性的身體何以會被視為具有厭勝的能力,甚至成為男性畏懼的對象。餘論則進一步檢視 Mary Douglas 「污穢理論(pollution theory)」基本概念的應用性。


  • 就目前資料所見,陰門陣自明末以來才出現,這可能與當時火炮技術的改良並普遍用於戰事,以及官民雙方武力過於懸殊有關。
  • 目前所見,陰門陣只用於軍事上,它不僅可厭敵人之槍炮,亦可在當對方使用咒術時,使己方炮彈順利發出。
  • 厭勝之物為女性裸露的身體,且特別強調「女陰」部份。
  • 這些女性大多是已婚、孕婦或社會地位較低者,如妓女。
  • 剋制陰門陣的方法有灑黑狗血、雞血、 糞汁、燒羊角煙、懸掛便器、剃士兵下體毛,以及裸露十五歲以上男子及和尚陽具來厭陰門陣的「陽門陣」。


15:1015:30 休息




Reflection Beauty: Mirror and Beauties in Edo Japan

Ukiyoe painters often drew beauties putting on makeup in front of mirrors. The beauties sometimes turn their backs to us, and we see their faces in round mirrors. What did they watch in their mirrors? Did they watch themselves as they really were? They probably sought the looks as they should be, when they sat down in front of the mirrors and had cosmetics in their hands. What did it mean to be “good looking”? What did they want to appear as by using makeup?

In my paper, I will clarify the transition of the ideal beauties in the Edo period through the women’s acts such as makeup, dressing up, care of the body, diet, and so on. Afterwards, I will argue that the characteristic sexual practices and gender ideals in Edo society forced women to become artificial and unhealthy beauties.


The Representation of Womanhood in Chen Hongshou’s Figure Painting and the Culture of Connoisseurship in Late-Ming China


陳洪綬畫作(包括繪畫及版畫)中的女性有幾點特色:1. 雖然如傳統的仕女畫般,也畫妓女,但是多為閨秀小姐與侍女,2. 畫中女性的肢體語言特別多,也比較誇張,或躺或坐或立,或執扇,或手握拂尾,或捧花等,皆非傳統習見之姿,強調畫中女性對身體細膩的感覺,3. 與前一點相關的是,陳洪綬畫中的女性傳達出女性的慾望,如百無聊賴、斜倚煙籠的富家少婦。而這種慾望的傳達,除了姿勢的特別外,還藉著畫中的各式物品來表現一種相思的氣氛及細緻的感官效果。


This paper attempts to investigate how some late-Ming figure paintings represent women and their qualities and how these qualities of womanhood represent the culture of connoisseurship of that time. The focused objects are a group of paintings and woodblock prints by Chen Hongshou, the most famous figure painters in late-Ming China. These works exhibit intriguing designs in composition and female image which seem to connote multi-leveled messages worthy of further research. In addition, Chen and his friends, some of whom were also his patrons, were members of one literati society active in the area of Jiangnan. Through studying the collected writings of Chen and his friends, we can partly reconstruct the context in which Chen’s figure paintings were purchased, seen, and used. This context enables us to ask questions about how late-Ming literati of Jiangnan defined womanhood, evaluated female beauty, and consumed female image.

The female figures seen in Chen’s painting demonstrate three formal characteristics which deserve our attention. First of all, traditionally, the image of courtesans dominated the genre of Chinese female-figure painting. Even though Chen paints courtesans as well, most of his figure paintings depict gentry ladies and their maids. Secondly, Chen’s female figures show unusually rich gestures, some of which are dramatic and close to staged performance. These gestures convey the sense that women in his works are conscious of their own body and sensual feelings. Thirdly, related to the second point some of Chen’s female figures are characterized by desire not only through their gestures, but through the display of various objects loaded with cultural significance. These sensual gestures and symbolic objects produce an ambience of love sickness and refined sensuality unseen in previous figure painting.

Since the main consumers of Chen’s female figures were men, the changes describe above, including female image of gentry ladies, richly physical gestures, and the ambience of love and sensuality, perhaps suggest that late-Ming literati of Jiangnan cultivated a special taste for women and womanhood. These changes also seem to indicate that women, as the object of men’s gaze and desire, could not avoid being constructed into an abstract category of “womanhood”. To answer thesequestions, I start with the late-Ming culture of connoisseurship which involves collecting and evaluating objects and writing about objects. The activities of connoisseurship was the projection of literati’s desire for control, distinction, and sensual refinement. The objects of their desire could be antiques, beautiful flowers,strange rocks, and women represented in figure painting as well. In this cultural ambience, it is interesting to know what literati of late-Ming Jiangnan desired from female figures in painting and women in reality. Treating women as objects for sensual refinement, these literati constructed and promulgated new qualities for the category of womanhood, especially in their production and consumption of female figures in painting.





Narcissistic Invalid or Heroic Genius? Typologies of Male Beauty and Consumption in England in the Eighteenth- and early Nineteenth-Centuries

This paper attempts to investigate the representations of tuberculosis in England in the eighteenth- and early nineteenth-centuries.  In so doing, I will examine two relatively underdeveloped themes in the historiography of consumption, namely the role of the eighteenth century in the development of the disease metaphors, and the creation of specifically male image of beautiful consumption.

In the earlier half of the nineteenth century, the disease called $B!H(Bconsumption$B!I(B emerged as a focal point of powerful and diverse cultural metaphors.  While you have to think hard to name a well-known
consumptive before 1800, whether real or fictional, the nineteenth century abounds with mega-icons in the Western culture who died of consumption: it is difficult to miss John Keats and La Traviata. Manifold aspects of $B!H(Bconsumption and its metaphors$B!I(B have been analyzed in Susan Sontag$B!G(Bs now classical book, whose major materials come from the nineteenth and the early twentieth century.  This does not mean, however, that the metaphors of consumption were suddenly forged with the advent of Romanticism.  English patients suffering from consumption / phthisis had been sent to the South of France and Italy for a warm climate since the early eighteenth century and perhaps much earlier. Often combined with tours of Europe and visits to galleries and historical sites, this form of treatment developed a distinct association with the upper-class search for leisure and culture.  From the mid- and late-eighteenth century, physicians and medical writers started to exploit the lucrative market by inventing a new genre of advice literature for consumptive patients, suggesting various resorts in Southern France and Italy and depicting their merits and attractions.  (Tobias Smollett$B!G(Bs Travels through France and Italy was regarded as one of the earliest and the most successful specimens of this genre of writing.)  I shall argue that those works consolidated the narcissistic image of beautiful consumption entertained by wealthy and genteel patients from the early eighteenth-century.

My second point is about the development of the gender-charged representation of the disease.  In the eighteenth-century, the metaphors of consumption were expressed in the language of class distinction, rather than that of gender.  (Hence among early nineteenth-century literary figures, there existed a great confusion in how to interpret the death of Keats, who came from lower social origin and died young of consumption.)   It was not until Thomas Carlyle$B!G(Bs lives of Schiller and Novalis, published and widely read in the 1820s (works which have been largely neglected in the historical studies of consumption), that the representation of the disease was polarized into masculine and feminine ones, or, to put it more precisely, an explicitly masculine beauty was found in certain types of consumptive patients.   Contrasting Novalis and Schiller, both of whom died of consumption, Carlyle introduced the framework of polarized gender in the metaphors of the disease.  I shall analyze this masculinization of certain types of consumption, putting it in the context of gender ideology in England in the early nineteenth century.


關於台灣男性的身體 (s)、身體意識、身體觀等,自然有很多的社會力量在角逐其發言權的位置。在這些社會力量中,一個積極而有充分自我意識的群體、同時也在經營與掌握「知識與醫學」的宣稱,就是台灣的泌尿科學界及其醫生們了。特別是近十多年來,台灣的泌尿科醫師們,風塵僕僕的在各種社會領域中(醫院病房、醫學研究、報章、電視、八卦、笑話、大眾演講等等),不斷的努力經營,如今可說是成績斐然。本文企圖從幾個面向去探討與評論這個泌尿科的「男性身體觀」:西方泌尿科當代史、台灣近年來的文本資料、泌尿科醫師口述訪談、還有近來「威而剛 (viagra)」的知識現象與社會回響。


10:4011:00 休息




Desiring for Beauty:the Representation of Sexual Beauty in the Buddhist Literature


就捨棄俗世的牽絆和維持教團的清淨原則之下,佛教戒律文學相當程度地反映原始佛教對身體(色相)的排斥和壓抑。這樣以男性為主體的修行機制,尤其傾向異化女性的身體,將女性的各種生理與心理特質簡化為慾念的化身。換句話說,佛教戒律文學所呈現的美麗與醜陋的男女形象,已經不僅僅是對身體的分類,而更蘊含一套定位(orientation)和再生產(reproduction)性別角色的複雜過程。以往學者研究佛教文學中的身體觀,推論經典中多以男性生理特徵做為聖人的身體表徵,影響所致,女性甚至被剝奪成佛的可能性,但是鮮少論及其間經典論述(textual discription)與性別認同(gender identity)互動之機制。戒律這樣直接規範女性修行者身體行為的資料,或許能有助於我們了解佛教身體觀建構性別角色的關係。

本文將嚐試分析佛教戒律文學中如何陳述美麗的概念(the norm of being beauty)以及其宗教意涵,來討論佛教的身體觀和教團中女性性別角色的建構。全文主要分成三部分。首先介紹戒律文學中男女美色的範疇,以比較男女性別角色的異同。接著從修行和貞操的角度,分析為何教團中的男女美色為情慾追逐的對象。最後則就教團對性與性別的描述與控制,來探討教團中去性別化的機制。筆者的主題在呈現宗教上美麗與美色的劃分,經常是一體兩面。身體既然同時兼具象徵性和工具性,在以身體具體化某些宗教特質的過程中,追求和抗拒美麗,將交織構成宗教實踐的主體經驗。這種複雜性,特別呈現在「女性」(being women)這個性別範疇上。




12:4013:40 午餐




今日女性研究中一個非常有趣的現象是,在女性主義已後現代化即形成所謂「後女性主義」的情形下,對女性觀察的重點本已更多落到軀體(body)之上,但對近代中國女性纏足現象和反纏足運動這一最能發揮軀體取向(Body approach)優勢的研究卻相當少,可以說基本忽視。為什麼?是否認為已「蓋棺論定」?(楊的研究說明過去一些固定認知其實是無根之談,具體的史實重建仍相當不足)不研究小腳這一現象或者提示著後女性主義者其實也還大受「現代」觀念的影響,故能基本接受被「現代化」了且主要是西來的近代中國「反纏足」觀念,而似尚未能真正做到後現代主義史學所主張的「返其舊心」去理解具體時空語境裡的昔人。



  1. 簡略探討前近代人對小腳美醜的認知;
  2. 近代中國讀書人怎樣否定既存的小腳美觀念(包括其思想資源、當下心態、及怎樣表述);
  3. 近代中國老百姓對小腳美醜的認知(與讀書人比較);
  4. 簡單的反思


世紀末臺灣社會對於「紋身」的評價已有所動搖,新添入的看法是「流行」、「時髦」、「好看」。然而,既是「動搖」,便不是全面的「顛覆」,傳統的負面評價依然存在。例如,「八十八年度中正國防幹部預備學校」的招生簡章,便有如下的條文:「有刺青者,依規定於報到二週內完成退訓,考生及其家長不得 提出任何要求。 」一所專門招收青少年的軍事學校,何以會有如此「背時」的規定?原因無它,蓋在軍方的眼裡,「刺青」是「黑道」強調豪勇的東西,那是「兄弟」的身份證,壯志凌雲的革命軍人又焉可有之?



Symposium on the History of Health and Beauty

Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Time: June 11-12, 1999
Place: Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan

A. From Face Beautification to Body Sculpturing: Health, Beauty, and Medicine

1. Pingyi Chu (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Shape My Body: The Representations of Femininity and Science in the Advertisements for Body Sculpturing Beauty Salons

2. Su-jung Lin (Institute of Anthropology, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan)

Gender, Body and Desire: Woman’s image and the changing body aesthetics in Taiwan

3. Duan-Rung Chen (College of Public Health, National Taiwan University)

Social Network and Non-prescription Pills-taking Behaviors among Women in Taiwan: A Study on Pills for Cosmetic Purpose

B. The Use of Female Body: Pregnancy and War

4. Yi-li Wu (Dept. of History, Albion College, Michigan, USA)

Medicalizing the Monstrous: Ghost Fetuses (guitai) in Traditional Chinese Medical Thought

5. Chushan Chiang (Dept. of History, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan)

Women and War — Confronting Cannons with Naked Women in Ming-Ching China

C. Image, Sensation, Health and Beauty

6. Noriko Suzuki (Dept. of History, Konan Womens University, Japan)

Reflecting Beauty: Mirror and Beauties in Edo Japan

7. Cheng-hua Wang (Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)

The Representation of Womanhood in Chen Hongshou’s Figure Painting and the Culture of Connoisseurship in Late-Ming China

D. Male Body in Medical Culture

8. Akihito Suzuki (Keio University, Japan)

Narcissistic Invalid or Heroic Genius?: Typologies of Male Beauty and Consumption in England in the Eighteenth- and early Nineteenth-Centuries

9. Daiwie Fu (Institute of History, National Tsing-hua University, Taiwan), Ling-fang Cheng (Dept. of Sociology, Fujen Catholic University, Taiwan)

Urological Image of Male Body in Taiwan

F. Sexual Beauty and its Regulations

10. Yu-chen Li (Dept. of East Asian Studies, Cornell University, USA)

Desiring for Beauty: the Representation of Sexual Beauty in the Buddhist Literature

11. Hsiao-ti Li (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan)

Body and Desire in Eighteenth Century China: A Carnival Outside the “Civilized World”

G. Health and Beauty: Alternative Views

12. Xinmei Yang & Zhitien Lo (Dept. of History, Sichuan University, China)

The Reject of Foodbinding and its Beauty in Modern China

13. Yuanpeng Chen (Dept. of History, National Taiwan University)

Tattooing the Body in Traditional China
