【專題演講】From Data to Insight: The Rhetoric of Visual Analytics Post published:2013-12-06 Post category:歷年活動紀錄 主講人:Catelijne Coopmans教授 (National University of Singapore)講題:From Data to Insight: The Rhetoric of Visual Analytics時間:102年12月6日(五) 下午3:00-5:00地點:中研院史語所研究大樓701會議室 主辦單位:中研院史語所「醫學的物質文化」計畫、人類學門、生命醫療史研究室 You Might Also Like 醫學史研究的新材料、新工具與新方向工作坊 2018-10-05 【專題演講】《珞琭子賦》研究 2000-06-25 【專題演講】Trading Germs: The Third Plague Pandemic and the New Liberal Consensus in International Public Health 2011-03-28
【專題演講】Trading Germs: The Third Plague Pandemic and the New Liberal Consensus in International Public Health 2011-03-28